Do you wish that you had younger looking skin? Perhaps you are now looking in the mirror and you are starting to see wrinkles beginning to form on your face. You might see your frown lines, lines from squinting, and other lines that have started to appear on your face. In addition to simply getting older and getting wrinkles naturally, there are many factors that can contribute to the development of wrinkles.
Some of these include having sun damage, genetics, smoking, dehydration, and some medications can even have side effects that will increase the appearance of wrinkles. There are certain simple things that you can do to help reduce the development of wrinkles, such as staying out of the sun, not smoking, using moisturizer, and remaining hydrated.
One of the ways that you can help to improve the look of your skin and get a more youthful appearance is through the use of laser skin rejuvenation. This type of treatment is virtually painless, the sessions are fast, and there is no need for sedation or any medication in most cases. The patient is not going to need to undergo any type of extensive recovery period after the procedure either.
This leads to another benefit. Since there is no long recovery period, it tends to make this type of procedure less noticeable. It is possible to get a youthful look in a discrete way – you don’t have to let anyone know that you are undergoing this type of treatment. After a session of laser skin rejuvenation, most patients will just need to have some ice packs on hand that they can put onto areas that might be red or swollen right after the treatment.
The lasers work to tighten the skin, which helps to remove the appearance of the wrinkles and fine lines that have been developing on the face. Some patients who have undergone the procedure have also found that they have been able to improve their complexion.
The length of time for each of the skin rejuvenation sessions is going to vary from one patient to the next. It often depends on the number and depth of wrinkles that they have. In addition, the overall number of treatments that will be needed can vary greatly. One of the great things about this laser skin rejuvenation process is that even though most people are going to need to have multiple sessions, results are noticeable very quickly, often within one or two sessions.
The procedure tends to be quite simple, but you likely have more questions on what it will mean for your specific needs as a patient. You will want to get in touch with the skincare professionals who can provide this type of treatment and allow them to consult with you. If you have been hoping to find a great way to reduce your wrinkles, and you do not want a facelift or any downtime, this is a fantastic solution.
If you are interested in learning more or scheduling a consultation, please call us at Personique On The Spot in Austin, TX today at (512) 599-8672.
With all the celebrity buzz and dramatic before and after photos of SculpSure portrayed in the media, most of us have at least heard of this treatment by now. But what is it exactly and how does it work?
This lipolysis treatment has gained rapid popularity because of its long list of benefits and lack of real disadvantages:
SculpSure has become the ideal treatment for those who want to sculpt the body by eliminating stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. Common areas include the lower tummy, love handles, thighs, back, and double chin. SculpSure has become a favorite among men and women for its dramatic, natural-looking results without any strenuous exercising or dangerous surgeries.
In a nutshell, SculpSure is an FDA-cleared fat loss procedure that’s completely noninvasive. That means there’s no scary needles involved, no need to go under the knife, and no need for risky anesthesia. Instead, patients can contour their bodies and eliminate fat in a way that looks deceivingly natural and undetectable by others.
Here’s how it works: during the SculpSure treatment, the machine utilizes light-based energy to target and destroy fat cells. After a rapid 25 minute session, that’s it! This laser technology raises the heat on the stubborn fat cells, effectively killing 24% of treated fat cells without surgery. The patient can go home or go back to work and resume their normal daily activities. Over the next 12 weeks, the body begins to naturally eliminate these injured fat cells through the lymphatic system. This gradual fat loss gives the outward impression that weight is being lost naturally. The body begins to show noticeable results as quickly as 6 weeks, although the full results are attained 12 weeks after the first treatment. While results are visible after the first session, most patients require several treatments to get the results they’ve dreamed of.
After choosing an area to target, like the pockets of fat around the lower abdomen or stubborn love handles, the SculpSure applicators will be positioned on these areas so the patient can start his or her treatment. Once it starts, you can expect a cooling sensation at the beginning which increases the comfort. Then throughout the quick 25-minute session, it’s normal to feel tingling and deep warmth while the light-based energy targets permanently destroy the fat cells under the skin. This targeted laser energy is able to successfully heat and treat the unwanted fat cells without causing physical damage to the skin.
SculpSure not only offers a safe alternative to surgery but is virtually painless, and requires no recovery downtime. If you are interested in learning more or scheduling a consultation, please call us at Personique On The Spot in Austin, TX today at (512) 599-8672.
If you have ever had a microdermabrasion treatment you probably fell in love with the way your skin felt in the hours immediately afterward, and probably for at least a full day or so later. It might make you think, “So, why not do something like this every day?” While that sounds great, your skin would disagree.
Why not? Because the treatment is an exfoliating treatment; meaning it removes dead skin cells and impurities along the surface of the skin. Though that means it cues the skin to do some repair and generate healthier new cells, you just cannot put the skin through such a stripping treatment every single day, or even on a very regular basis.
Let’s spend time learning about the short and long-term benefits of microdermabrasion in order to help you learn just how often you will want to get it done.
If you ask the experts, they tell you that the frequency of any microdermabrasion treatments has to be determined by the type of skin you have. For example, if you have acne prone skin, you will need to have treatments at a pace different from someone with normal skin.
Generally, experts say that a four to a six-week gap between treatments is a good rule of thumb. Skin typically “regenerates” at a pace of roughly every 30 days, or so. That means that all results of skin care treatments are temporary, but it also shows that you can improve skin just by pacing your treatments (including microdermabrasion) to that same schedule.
Essentially, it also means sitting down with a professional skin care expert to have them do an assessment of your skin type. This is because it is never a simple matter. You could be someone with sun damaged or aging skin, yet you might also have oily skin or sensitive skin. This would mean your treatments would differ greatly from someone without sun damage and with dry or normal skin.
Of course, once you know your skin type, you can discuss the problems you feel you have with your skin and hear what the expert suggests. Microdermabrasion is commonly used because it can help with fine lines or wrinkles, even out skin tone (such as mild pigmentation issues), smooth the surface and give the skin a softer, healthier radiance. It can also be used on more than just the face, helping to improve skin on any part of the body.
You can also improve results with a combination of treatments done before or after microdermabrasion, and in the weeks between treatments.
Are you ready for radiant and healthy skin? Have you already had a microdermabrasion treatment and become eager to get that healthy glow again? If so, just contact the team at Personique On the Spot for your skincare consultation. Our team can help you determine the procedures you need for the results you hope to achieve. With the latest technologies and innovations, you can finally have the skin you desire.
This question entirely depends on the patient. It is normal for a patient’s first treatment to last three to four months. However, by regularly coming in for a touch up after the injections begin to wear off, patients are able to increase the duration of the Botox sometimes to more than six months. Since every patient we see at our office in Austin, TX has unique objectives and needs, we recommend giving us a call at Personique On The Spot to discuss your specific goals.
Botox is a series of FDA approved injections that are made from a purified form of bacteria form in nature called Botulinum Type A. Afterwards, some protein and sodium chloride are added to create the final product. The entire treatment is performed in a matter of minutes, there is no downtime, and the results are visible as early as the next day.
Botox doesn’t just fill in lines and furrows, but it works to relax the muscles that cause these dynamic wrinkles in the first place. For those who don’t know, dynamic wrinkles are defined as the kind of wrinkles that are developed from constant action and movement. By getting to the root of the problem, Botox is able to prevent the development of future creases in advance. Thanks to this solution, Botox can be considered as an effective anti-aging remedy to prevent further lines and furrows from deepening on the skin.
Botox may sound intimidating at first, but once you understand what it is and how it works, you may see things differently. Botox essentially works its magic by blocking nerves in the injected area from stimulating the muscles. By blocking contact with the neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine that’s responsible for triggering muscle contractions, the muscles in the injected area are no longer able to contract or tense up. As a result, wrinkles and fine lines are temporarily relaxed and smoothed out, creating a more youthful appearance.
Interested in Botox treatment in Austin, TX? Fill out our online form today OR call (512) 599-8672 to to schedule your free consultation with our office now!
Unwanted body hair can impact your self-image and be time-consuming to remove. If you’re tired of constantly shaving and moisturizing to repair damage from harsh razor blades, laser hair removal could be the next step. Laser removal works to provide a long-term solution to your unwanted body hair. Knowing more about the procedure can help you weigh your options and understand its benefits and limitations. One of the most common questions we hear at Personique On The Spot in Austin, TX is: Is laser hair removal permanent?
In a short answer: no. However, laser hair removal is a non-invasive, long-term solution to your hair issues. Laser hair removal is a “semi-permanent” option for hair removal that damages the hair follicle underneath to prevent growth. Essentially, the laser finds the hair by identifying the pigment cells within the follicle and burns the hair down to the follicle and the root. It’s a long-lasting, less painful solution to waxing and shaving. After a few treatments, you can cancel all your future spa appointments (or swap them out for something more pleasant, like a mani/pedi or a facial).
Getting laser hair removal with us in Austin, Texas has several distinct advantages, including:
Results vary from person to person. Several things may affect the duration of your laser hair treatment, from the rate of hair growth to the amount of melanin in your skin. Rather than letting your hair grow back in, we recommend periodic “maintenance” treatments that keep your hair follicle from returning. After your initial sessions, you may only need 1-2 maintenance treatments a year.
If you’re ready to say goodbye to waxing and razor burn for good, it’s time to consider laser hair removal. This semi-permanent treatment brings lasting results with minimal discomfort or disruption to your daily routine. Contact us at Personique On The Spot in Austin, TX today to learn more or book an appointment.
Many of us think of chemical peels as treatments limited to the facial area, but they are actually done on many parts of the body. As the summer season approaches and most of us hope to look our very best, it is a good idea to consider the many benefits of a chemical peel for the face and body.
First, though, let’s understand just what any sort of chemical peel is and what it does. The word “peel” is a good choice for the treatment because that is really what occurs. Rather than actually removing skin, though, a chemical peel is designed to speed up the skin’s natural process of shedding cells.
In essence, any chemical peel causes the outermost skin cells (usually the ones guilty of giving the skin a dull, lined or uneven appearance) to be quickly shed. This sends a message to the newer cells, deeper in the skin, to make their way to the surface. So, instead of waiting 30 days for some of these healthier and more youthful cells to appear, the peel makes it happen in a matter of days. However, that is not where the benefits of a chemical peel end.
In addition to bonding to those dead or aged cells and removing them during the actual treatment (like an exfoliant), chemical peels cause the skin to rejuvenate. This means that it is cued to produce a bit more elastin and to generate healthier cells. Generally, our patients throughout Austin, TX who receive chemical peels on the face, neck, and body can see almost immediate improvements as well as positive changes over the long term.
The skin will be less lined and wrinkled, pigmentation is evened out (including age spots and melasma or darker patches of skin), and scars will even improve their general appearance. Skin is more youthful in its look and feel, and this is something most of us would appreciate during the summer season.
If you want the most comprehensive changes and improvements for the summer months; a time when you bare your arms, wear shorts or bathing suits, and expose the skin of the legs and more, a body peel is a great option. It is going to improve the texture of the skin from head to toe and bring such benefits as:
If you usually find yourself sighing at the thought of the summer season, and it is due to issues with the way your skin looks, the body peel is a great resource. Reduce the fine lines and wrinkles on the legs and arms, even out the texture to a more youthful look and confidently wear garments that you once hesitated to put on because of skin issues. If you like the idea of a face and body peel to start the summer season, contact the experts at Personique On the Spot Laser Center in Austin, TX today for a consultation and customized treatment plan.
Searching for a way to sculpt your body, define your curves and eliminate stubborn fat? Non-surgical body sculpting technology offers the means to achieve the aesthetic you desire, without any need for invasive surgical procedures. You’ll find two popular treatment methods used today – SculpSure and CoolSculpting. While both offer non-surgical body sculpting, they are not similar. At Personique on The Spot, we believe SculpSure is the ideal body contouring option for five very important reasons.
One reason that our Austin-area patients choose SculpSure is that it is the first of its kind – leading-edge laser technology that delivers powerful fat-removal and tissue toning. It is the first FDA-approved lipolysis treatment to use laser technology, in fact. SculpSure and CoolSculpting rely on similar principles – destroying fat cells through the temperature changes – but SculpSure uses heat and flat applicators rather than cold temperatures and tissue suction for more effective results.
With CoolSculpting, you can expect to spend a full hour per treatment. While that is not a huge sacrifice, it is a large portion of your day. SculpSure is able to deliver highly-effective fat removal and toning in just 25 minutes per session, meaning you spend less than half the time in our office. Of course, just like CoolSculpting, you can return to your regular activities immediately after the treatment.
In addition to cutting your treatment time in half, you’ll find that SculpSure also offers another benefit over CoolSculpting. Namely, SculpSure is able to treat more areas of your body during each treatment session. CoolSculpting uses a single application area, but SculpSure uses four separate applicator heads. In addition, while cold temperatures cause fat loss only within the target area, laser-generated heat kills fat cells slightly beyond the edges of the target area, providing a natural-looking transition between treated and untreated areas.
Collagen and elastin are what give your skin its youthful supple feel and elasticity. Over time, both collagen and elastin production slow down. SculpSure rejuvenates collagen and elastin production within your skin cells, resulting in smoother, tighter, younger-looking skin with each treatment. CoolSculpting cannot provide this benefit at all, as the treatments rely on cold temperatures that do not stimulate collagen or elastin production.
Perhaps the single most important reason to choose SculpSure over CoolSculpting is this: it can provide you with dramatic results in just a single session. In fact, many patients require only one treatment session to achieve the aesthetics they desire. Most patients utilizing CoolSculpting require two or even three treatments before seeing similar results.
As you can see, SculpSure treatment offers powerful benefits and delivers significant advantages over CoolSculpting. However, because it is a new technology, it is not widely available through most surgeons. We are proud to offer it at Personique on The Spot, in addition to a wide range of other industry-leading surgical and non-surgical procedures. We invite you to contact Personique on The Spot today to learn more about SculpSure and how it can help transform your body. Call us in Austin at (512) 599-8672.
Have you ever thought about the steps in your grooming regimen that consume too much of your precious time? You might think it is your skincare regimen or your daily hair and makeup practices, but if you looked at how much time is spent dealing with shaving, plucking and removing unwanted body hair, you would be surprised. And once you do know, you may want to consider laser hair removal.
In fact, author Rebecca Herzig explored this subject in her book “Plucked: A History of Hair Removal,” and learned “that more than 99 percent of American women voluntarily remove hair, and more than 85 percent do so regularly, even daily… [and] over the course of a lifetime… will spend, on average, more than ten thousand dollars and nearly two entire months of their lives simply managing unwanted hair. The woman who waxes once or twice a month will spend more than twenty-three thousand dollars over the course of her lifetime.”
Men also end up spending a lot to manage hair below the neck as well as daily or twice daily facial shavings.
That represents a lot of time and effort, as well as pain, discomfort and headaches due to hair removal, and yet laser hair removal is a viable, and superior, solution.
Many are hesitant to get laser hair removal because the word laser is, after all, a bit scary. The good news is that the process used for laser hair removal is entirely pain free. It uses a special laser that targets only the melanin in the skin – the natural compound that gives your skin and hair its color. When a laser is tuned to the melanin in your hair, it causes it to absorb the laser’s energy, which is a form of heat. This destroys the follicle or damages it to such a degree that hair may never return to that area.
As you might guess, laser hair removal has to be a somewhat targeted method, and because only around 20% of your follicles are actively growing hair at any one time, it takes a few treatments to eliminate hair in a specific area of the body. Yet, it does, eventually eliminate it. And that means you can cut back on expenses and ongoing maintenance where unwanted hair is concerned.
Laser hair removal can be used for:
With the precision that only lasers can give, laser hair removal is a great way to improve your appearance, feel more confident and leave skin looking its best. Now is a great time to consider beginning some laser hair removal treatments so you can be free of unwanted hair by summer.
If you are ready to eliminate any unwanted hair, and get the smooth skin free of bumps, redness or stubble, you will want to book your laser hair removal consultation in Austin, TX at Personique on the Spot online or at (512) 599-8672.
We all understand that life brings many changes, and many of those changes show up in our appearance. Time and simple aging can cause any number of unwanted alterations ranging from grey hair to fine lines and wrinkles. However, women face the additional challenges of rapid hormonal changes that can cause an array of issues with their bodies. Add childbirth to the mix, and it is easy to see why any woman might have questions about the treatment available through Votiva.
As a client of Personique on the Spot in Austin, TX, you may have questions about any number of treatments, particularly Votiva. It is also called a vaginal rejuvenation treatment and it is noted as one of the most effective ways to undo the changes caused in your genitalia from aging, hormones, and childbirth. It is a nonsurgical treatment ideal for those who are struggling with:
So, as you can see, vaginal rejuvenation through the use of Votiva is not only about cosmetic issues. In fact, the list of general health benefits from a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation can include increased blood flow, a return or increase of sensitivity, and can also support better or restored elastin and collagen production in the vaginal area.
Naturally, vaginal rejuvenation is not a very common topic of conversation, even with close friends. And this can make it seem too difficult to discuss with a medical expert. However, the team at Personique on the Spot is more than happy to consult with you about the issue. They can review the many benefits of Votiva and vaginal rejuvenation and alleviate your concerns. Just consider some of the common questions we hear:
There are many benefits and many reasons to consider vaginal rejuvenation. Not only will it improve your sense of health and well-being, but it can make you feel much better if you are struggling with issues like vaginal laxity or dryness as you age. If you are ready to learn more about Votiva, use our online contact or simply book a consultation in Austin by calling (512) 599-8672.
It is not at all unusual for someone to look into the mirror and believe that damages done by too much time in the sun or too many years without a good skin care regimen have left permanent lines, wrinkles, and discoloration. Yet, there are many innovations in skin care and treatments that can address such unwelcome issues. In fact, those with acne, scars and other similar concerns can use skin resurfacing with Fractora.
It helps first to understand just what skin resurfacing means to recognize the benefits of Fractora better. Skin resurfacing, or laser skin resurfacing, simply removes skin layer by layer and with tremendous precision. By carefully removing these layers over problem areas, the skin is naturally stimulated to produce new, healthier cells. And in the process of creating new cells, the skin actually heals and repairs many kinds of damages or issues. Acne scars, as an example, will become far less noticeable and pronounced. Fine lines and wrinkles may fade away altogether, and your skin can take on a tighter, younger-looking surface.
While laser skin resurfacing has a lot of advocates in the medical world, most know that there is room for improvement in how it is done. That improvement can be found in the unique technology of Fractora. This is a small, hand-held device that professionals can use as the ultimate non-invasive skin renovation treatment. It is both a skin resurfacing and subdermal tissue coagulation device.
This means it closes the gap that has existed between the use of lasers and more invasive surgeries to get outstanding results. Patients seeking skin resurfacing with Fractora can expect:
What is so astonishing about skin resurfacing with Fractora is that most of the results can be achieved in as little as one or two visits. The device has an array of heads or tips that can be used to create ongoing improvements, too.
If you are ready to start improving or restoring the condition of your skin, the Fractora system may be the ideal fit for you. At Personique on the Spot, you will find a team of skilled professionals able to consult with you about your skincare needs. In addition to skin resurfacing treatments with Fractora, they also have other skin rejuvenation options, body contouring, laser hair removal and more.
Don’t feel you must live with unwanted lines, wrinkles, scars and other conditions. There are advanced treatments that can show you surprising results in just one or two sessions. Fractora is one of the latest advances in skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. You can begin your journey towards a healthier and more youthful complexion by contacting Personique on the Spot in Austin, TX online or at (512) 599-8672.
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